Requirements for Mobile Phones & Other Devices

Whilst children or young people (particularly over 10-years of age) may have a right to mobile phones, tablets, and other miniature devices which have photo, sound, and movie recording capabilities, I understand and agree that church leaders may confiscate such device and return it to a parent / guardian (when next practical) if the device is reasonably believed to have been used by my child/ren or young person/s, or threatened to be used, to: harass; nuisance; bully; or otherwise tease, joke, humiliate, or mock any person (including a child; young person; staff member; volunteer; or parent/guardian helper). 

In addition to the above requirement, I further agree and understand that if apparent criminal activity (sexting; filming or sharing recordings of physical assaults and other forms of bullying; cyber- harassment; forwarding or sharing prohibited or restricted content including child pornography or child exploitation material) is reasonably believed to have occurred or be retained upon such device in the use or possession of my child/ren or young person/s, I consent for church leaders to confiscate the device and retain it for inspection by law enforcement agencies (such as the Police) and/or by church authorities. I further understand and agree that neither a parent/guardian nor a child/ren or young person/s will be compensated (financially or in any other way) if such device is retained indefinitely to assist with any investigation; criminal trial; civil proceeding; or procedure of any legislated tribunal or adjudicative body.