Consent to Recordings

The Code of Conduct that establishes how adults are to behave towards children and young people within the AUC & NZPUC across Australia and New Zealand, and its constituent Conferences and local churches, companies, and church plants, specifies that: DON’T take unauthorised photos of movies of a child on church property or at church activities without church authorisation and the parental/guardian consent.
The local church/Department/Activity therefore informs parents/guardians that the following program or Church-sponsored activity has appointed authorised photographers:
Description of event/activity: Kids Club – Stellar
Dates/Time-period for event/activity: 2nd October to 6th October, 2023.
As the parent / guardian, please ‘tick’ the boxes below that indicate your consent to your child/ren or young person/s being the subject/s of photo, sound, and movie recordings or depictions

As you have consented, please specify the following additional consents regarding the permitted uses of such photos, sound, and movie recordings of your child/ren or young person/s: